Christmas time brings about a side of people that sometimes can be hard to find. We’re more generous, fun, and, dare I say, jolly. Our soft side comes out. And what brings out people’s soft side more than adorable pets? Nothing, I tell you. Absolutely nothing.
So let’s gaze upon the adorableness of these following holiday pets.
1. This puuurrrfectly posed cat.
Never trust the catnip from a frolicking elf ?????Happy Holi-daze !! #elfontheshelf
A photo posted by Mango Brown (@justmangobrown) on
2. Or this sharply dressed hedgehog that’s hogging all the Christmas cuteness. (RIP @biddythehedgehog)
3. What about Mr. and Mrs. Santa Paws?
A photo posted by Homer & my alter ego Homerina (@homerpugalicious) on
4. This bunny just wants to hop right into the holidays
My lovely christmas bunny ?? #christmasspirit #christmasbunny #mylove #elf #muru
A photo posted by Jenni Luoto (@jenniemilian) on
5. This festive turtle who’s ready to guide Santa’s sleigh
#christmasturtle #turtle #ninja #christmasninja #ninjaturtle
A photo posted by Kylie Maduna (@kyduna) on
6. How about this parrot who doesn’t need a sleigh to fly?
Throwback to when Bunsen used to let me dress him up. Merry Christmas everyone!
A photo posted by Bunsen the Macaw (@bunsenthemacaw) on
7. And this horse that’s hoping for a white Christmas!
A photo posted by Mackenzie (@mackenzie.hann) on
8. And this adorable rat who wants to find you get you all the great underground Christmas deals.
A photo posted by ?Mabel & Her Friends ? (@mabel_and_friends) on
9. And these piglets who are just ready for that holiday snuggle
A photo posted by ? Backwoods Blessed ? (@backwoodsblessed) on