
Wise Ways to Use the Space in Your Tiny Kitchen

DIY Kitchen (Image Source: celfan)

If you have a small kitchen that’s overloaded with spices, jars, cans and boxes that you just can’t fit into those cluttered cupboards, then here are some tips and tricks to get that extra space you need.

  1. Hooks

Install hooks wherever you can. If you have limited draw space, putting hooks on the inside walls of your cupboards will guarantee easy access to things like towels and oven mitts.

  1. DIY it

If you need more space in a compact kitchen, look up how to build cabinet storage compartments, or pull out shelves that’ll give you twice the room for your herbs and spices. Give this DIY pull out shelf a go here.

  1. Think outside the box

If you don’t have a pantry, or if your pantry is too small, create another one by buying an old wooden wardrobe at an op shop or on Gumtree, and use that to store all of your dried goods. If the problem is your tiny kitchen, put the wardrobe in the room or hallway closest to your kitchen instead.

  1. Use the Oven

Instead of having a separate place for your oven dishes and muffin trays, keep them stacked in your oven. When it comes time to use the oven, however, don’t forget to take them out before turning it on!

  1. Clean as you go

This may seem like an obvious one to some, but seriously, you’ll be surprised at how many people jut leave dishes around for days (I lived on campus, I know the struggle). There won’t be bench room to cook on if there are pots, pans and dishes in the way, so make it simple for yourself and clean as you go.