
What Emotion is driving you to Change?

What Emotion is driving you to Change

Change can only happen from within, but sometimes it needs the right external conditions as well. Until you understand what keeps you where you are now – your “status quo” – it’s difficult to change it.

Many things keep you stuck in your status quo, and we can group them into three areas: emotional, social, and spiritual.

Emotions play an important role in change, because they can either hold us back or propel us forward. Even though we may be unhappy and really want to change, emotions like fear and comfort might hold a stronger grip on us.

Use these questions to identify your controlling emotions:

Which emotions do you hold to a higher value? Do these emotions enable change or prevent it?
What is your emotional commitment to your current way of life?
What emotion is driving you to change?
If you can’t answer the previous question, what emotion do you need as a driver to achieve the required change?

If you want to change, you need to be emotionally committed to it. This takes self-control and discipline.

Our social community plays a part in our duel between change and maintaining the status quo.

Friends, family, and co-workers all participate in this process. For whatever reason, some might hold us back, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. Either way, they have the same effect.

Ask yourself whether your relationships and social interactions are helping you:

Do the people in your life make you a better person?
Do you make those around you better people?

To make the change you need, you need supportive, challenging (for the right reasons), and mutually beneficial relationships in place.

Are your relationships holding you back or down, or helping you to move up and forward?


Your core beliefs matter. Your life philosophy matters. Your approach to change depends on how you view continuous learning, improving yourself, serving in your community, and other values.

Do you view your life as static and stagnant, or evolving and growing?

You don’t have to give up your principles when you change. Instead, you use your values, principles, and core philosophy to drive your life in a purposeful way.

Ask these questions about your spiritual connections:

Spend some time to explore your spiritual side and determine your core beliefs. It prepares the foundation for a life well-lived.
Change can only happen from within and is enabled through the right social, emotional and spiritual conditions. We stare at our status quo, and we freeze.
It is a stalemate until….

We understand that these emotions affect our ability to live the life of our dreams and to find the ultimate reward in life and that is…..

Financial Freedom!!