
The Return of Fat & Sugar

Return of Fat and Sugar

I think we can all feel a little relieved when I officially announce that the Vegans have well and truly had their day in the sun and a newer, cooler way of life has taken the spotlight.

The new diet: the no diet!

If you’ve heard people talking more and more about eating to change their lifestyle rather than their waistlines lately, you are now in on the game! I think we all have Instagram to thank for this new mindful way of eating, as easily accessible pictures of #GelatoMessina, #NutellaDonuts, and Brew-town Newtown’s #Cronuts are making constant health consciousness a thing of the past.

We’re learning now that it’s ok to take in some fat and sugar, especially if it’s in the form of one of Andy Bowden’s extravagant cakes! It is official food law, settling for a McDonald’s Oreo McFlurry just isn’t cool enough anymore, or consuming anything from Donut King will, without a doubt, taste like gruel. It just doesn’t rank up as many likes on Facebook or Instagram as The Stoner’s Delight from Ms. G’s would.

Social media is making us think less about weight and more about taste and culture, so much so that we don’t constantly consume anymore. We’re putting delicious fuel in our bodies for the sake of followers, and that’s ok by us!

So please hold up your #N2 cup of gelato and cheers, to us, the social media generation. We have had to adapt to a life of eating sweets but rocking a bikini in a self-made photoshoot the next day. We continue to set high standards for ourselves and selfie our way through dessert after dessert.

All hail the return of fat and sugar, may you live long and force pastry chefs around Australia to keep bringing us exciting, “you just have to try this!” creations. If only there was a way to minimize long lines out the door! #hungry