
Simple Ways to get the Most out of Your day, Even if you Don’t Have Time

Simple Ways to get the Most out of Your day, Even if you Don’t Have Time

A lot of us use the excuse ‘I didn’t have time’, in the face of not getting enough exercise or not eating well or simply just not completing simple things. We’ve created a list of simple everyday activities that you can do without messing up your daily routine that are guaranteed to make you feel better and rid the excuse I didn’t have time.

1. Skip the commute!

If your day includes a short tram trip to get to work or school, try to get there a little earlier and enjoy the walk instead! Go outside and get some much-needed fresh air before being cooped up inside again. Take in your surroundings and at the same time sneak in some daily exercise!

2. Change up your snacking habits.

If you’re feeling peckish, instead of grabbing that chocolate bar from the vending machine bring some fresh fruit or veggies with you, it’s important to have an intake of fruit and veggies every day and it will do wonders for your productivity and help you feel better all day instead of grouchy and tired.

3. Listen to music on your way to start your day.

It is proven that listening to your favourite tunes for even a few minutes a day can put you in a better mood and lift your spirits. Upbeat music especially has positive effects on our wellbeing, and you never know the song might stay in your head and you can start a choir on your way to work!