
A Literacy Expert’s Tips on Encouraging Your Child to Read

Literacy Expert's Guide to Getting Kids Reading [image source:]

Learning to read is an important skill for children, as literacy is key to learning and opening up choices in life. While most parents are keen to speed up their child’s reading progress, it’s important to acknowledge that reading is a developmental process. As a result, no two children are the same and they develop in different ways.

Rather than judging progression by age alone, it’s important to think about learning to read as occurring in three stages – emerging, beginning, and fluent.

The tips below will assist you to identify your child’s reading stage and encourage them to read through supportive strategies.

Stage 1: Emerging Readers

Emerging readers are those who are just starting to gain an understanding of how a text works. Children at this stage understand that words and pictures convey a message or meaning, and may also recognise a small number of words that occur regularly throughout a text. They will demonstrate good book handling behaviours and will know where the book begins and ends.


Stage 2: Beginning Readers

Beginning readers are those who are becoming much more familiar with different texts. Children at this stage are reading more widely and independently, and are happy to explore new reading materials and formats. While they may still be reading slowly and word by word, they are beginning to identify many more high-frequency words (20-50 words) and can also begin to self-correct words as they are reading.


Stage 3: Fluent Readers

Fluent readers are those who tend to read from a wide variety of different texts with minimal or no assistance. Children at this stage can identify most high-frequency words automatically and utilise various strategies to figure out unknown words.


Ready to start reading with your little ones? Choose from a wide selection of children’s books from Dymocks.

**Article written by Ryan Spencer. Ryan Spencer is Dymocks Literacy Expert and State Director of the Australian Literacy Educator’s Association.