
How Entrepreneur Minerva Muresu bet Cancer and Built an Empire

How Entrepreneur Minerva Muresu bet Cancer and Built an Empire

A cancer survivor since 2014, Minerva “Minnie” Muresu enjoys the results of putting her time, energy and money into what improves her health and the health of others. She strives to invest in prevention, seeing more value in warding off illnesses than finding a cure.

CrowdInk were fortunate enough to dig a little deeper into Minnie’s story, with a one-on-one chat with the businesswoman, known for her venture “Crusing Minnie International”.

What’s the Inspiration Behind Your Business?

Healing myself from cancer 

What is the Problem You’re Trying to Solve? Or USP?

The lack of trust and knowledge in the amazing ability of our body to heal. Men relying on pharmaceutical drugs and conventional medicine and forgetting that we are in control of our health.

Who is Your Ideal Customer? 

Families and health-conscious individuals.

What are Your Goals for 2022 and Beyond?

To be able to grow my network and expand profit-sharing opportunities. Influence more families to prioritize health within the concept of access to superior water, sterilized air, non-toxic home and homemade meals

What Advice do you Have for Other Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs? 

To follow their passion and market what they believe in. Gain relationship not only profits.

You can connect with Minnie via:

