
WHO Gallery Champions Women Artist For International Women’s Day

International Women's Day Exhibition

International Women’s Day is approaching on Sunday March 8th, it is a day where women are celebrated and recognised for their contribution and presence in the world whilst encouraging a sense of empowerment to break down gender constraints and expectations.

Here at WHO Gallery, we aim to highlight this and provide a space that presents the opportunity to bring together our community of women artist and support them on their journey.

This year to celebrate International Women’s Day WHO will host a special Exhibition to showcase female artists with a special opening event on 6thMarch at 7pm where you can listen to our guest speakers, enjoy a glass of champagne and chat with our featured artists including the likes of Ailish Bourke, Aliki Kapoor, Cat Dolphin and Joan Blond. We encourage all to come along and enjoy a fun evening supporting our female artists while networking with likeminded individuals. Last year’s event for International Women’s Day was a roaring success and this year is set to exceed expectations.


If you are a female artist and would be interested in exhibiting your work with us for International Women’s Day or know another female artist who might be interested, please contact us.

We welcome you to contact us even if you haven’t exhibited before or are just starting out your career as an artist. or telephone: 03 8596 2250.