
French Firefighters Pose Shirtless For Charity

Firefighter Calendar 2017 (source: W Dish)

Because one can never have enough calendars around the house, I’m here to give you a captivating option to decorate your walls. Following the success of last year’s work, French fashion photographer Fred Goudon decided to release the second edition of his famous Calendrier Des Pompiers 2017, or The Calendar of Firefighters of 2017.

In an attempt at honouring these men that put their lives at risk every single day to keep others safe, Goudon elegantly captured the men in a series of both candid and posed portraits. The selling point, however, doesn’t stop at nearly naked hunky men with a six pack. The money raised will be donated to the NGO charity Pompiers Sans Frontières, a French organisation that provides humanitarian aid in developing countries.

The calendar is now available through the organisation’s website and ships internationally.

Now go ahead and enjoy the preview; and then let me know if you too end up with Nelly stuck in your head singing “it’s getting hot in here!”.