
Clarity Coach Jennifer Maxwell is Improving Business Focus one Step at a Time

Clarity Coach Jennifer Maxwell is Improving Business Focus one Step at a Time

Jennifer Maxwell understands what it feels like to be a heart-centred, inspired entrepreneur. She says you’ve probably got a lot of irons in the fire – which can be both exhilarating and exhausting.

At Jennifer Maxwell Ventures Inc., helping coaches gain clarity and confidence to step into natural power zones. So if you’re ready for Clarity, Confidence, and to be Celebrated so you can step into everything you are meant to be in this world, Jeniffer says welcome home.  

CrowdInk was fortunate enough to dig a little deeper into Jennife’s story, chatting one-on-one about business focus, clarity and entrepreneurship.

What’s the Inspiration Behind Your Business?

Observing heart-centred, inspired, and competent entrepreneurs spinning their business wheels without traction is heartbreaking and unnecessary. I truly believe that helping people focus their natural skills and interests into a business that’s aligned with who they are and what they’re built for can quite literally change the world in all the right ways.

What is the Problem You’re Trying to Solve? Or USP?

One of the biggest challenges inspired entrepreneurs face is FOCUS. There are many paths available, each capable of holding a certain degree of success. The problem is that proficiency doesn’t always equal personal alignment. That lack of alignment is what kills fulfillment in the day-to-day requirements that come with any business.

As a Certified DISC Human Behaviour Consultant, my unique approach includes a proven strategy to obtain and maintain focus and create a personalized business roadmap with an attainable step-by-step success target.

Who is Your Ideal Customer? 

My ideal client is a heart-centred, inspired entrepreneur that wants to go from scattered and uncertain to aligned action for a successful business they love.

Have you Been Impacted by Covid, if so how have you Pivoted Your Business?

Prior to Covid I was an independent corporate trainer, teaching field agents and internal teams the importance of human connection. Since Covid hit, I’ve seen the need that new entrepreneurs face (many of whom have lost those corporate jobs) to create fulfilling and successful businesses that align with who they are.

What Advice do you Have for Other Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs? 

Give yourself the space to think and process before you take action. Action without thought is what causes all the wheel-spinning. You may be moving, but it could be in circles. Ask yourself what you really want. Then take action.

You can connect with Jennifer via:

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Grabbing her 5 Day Video Series to increase your Influence, Impact, and Income: