
The Best Country For Making Friends

Country for Friendship

InterNations’ survey of 12 500 expats has ranked the best and worst countries in the world based on everything from personal finance, to life quality, to family life.

According to the survey, Costa Rica has been ranked the best country for making friends.

The expats expressed it’s easy to make friends with the locals, with 19% saying a majority of their friends are Costa Ricans and 63% saying it’s a mix between locals and other expatriates.

Central American countries seemed to be a hit, with Mexico coming in at a close second, followed by Argentina, Uganda and Malta.  

On the opposite side of the spectrum, as the hardest place to make friends, was Sweden. Norway, Denmark and Switzerland were also at the bottom of the list.  

If you’re planning on moving overseas, here’s the full list to help you make sure you won’t wind up in an unfriendly foreign country.