
6 Essential Desk Items that Boosts Office Productivity.

6 Essential Desk Items that Boosts Office Productivity.

Dreading the return to your work desk, sitting cosily in between your chatty, not-so-productive colleague and the drinking fountain? Don’t worry you’re not alone. While working from home was an adjustment for many, some have come to fall in love with their new workspace. Perhaps it’s the natural sunlight from the bedroom window or the cooing of the pigeons that nest outside. Whatever it is, it’s proven to be more inviting and productive than the overcrowded, noisy office space most of us would have found ourselves in if it wasn’t for the repercussions of the pandemic.

While the return to the office may be inevitable for some, there’s nothing stopping you from turning your dull desk into the workspace of your dreams. Here are six items that every office worker needs to bring the productivity of the kitchen table to the office desk.

A Whiteboard
Rather than having important dates, tasks, and schedules splattered out amongst various planners and sticky notes, why not compile it onto a nifty whiteboard. Whether you’re one for colour or simply a lover for monochrome, a whiteboard can be easily jazzed up to display your week’s agenda. And if nothing goes to plan, forget scribbled pen marks. You can easily rub out a task while the rest of your schedule remains neat and tidy.

A Pretty Calendar
Pinned up against your nifty whiteboard, a calendar can put all those deadlines into perspective. You’ll never have to flick through a diary again. Calendars that have the previous and next month on the same page as the current month are also very handy when seeing what tasks are coming up ahead.

A Desk Lamp
While it’s not as good as natural light, a desk lamp can prevent any strain on the eyes. They also provide a nice facial glow-up if you’re planning on doing any video-call zoom meetings.

A Mini Fan
Desk fans are a cute addition to any working space whether it’s a hot day or not. They work wonders especially if the office’s aircon system is down. There’s only two down sides to having one of these on your desk: one, if you the fan on a high setting it will blow all your papers away and two, if your office’s cooling system really is down, you’ll have everyone huddling at your desk to get a break from the heat.

A Succulent or Two
The right succulent not only adds a pop of colour but also benefits your health. Indoor plants in offices aren’t only trending for the aesthetic they add but also for their ability to absorb dust particles that fill the air. In a way, they’re a natural humidifier that not only look beautiful but help you feel productive at the same time.

An Adjustable Laptop Mount
Just like a desk lamp can prevent eye strain, an adjustable laptop mount can minimalize back and neck pain. There is a wide variety of laptop mounts from standing mounts to desk mounts. And if you’re keen on spending that extra dollar you can get powered laptop mounts that charge your laptop in the process.

With your office desk sitting dormant for so long there’s no better time to spice it up with a makeover than now.