
5 Secrets to Success

5 Secrets to Success

Forget the horoscopes, true success occurs when it comes for you. ‘But how?’ you ask? Simple. Follow these five steps.

Plan your time wisely

You’ve heard it before – we all have exactly the same number of hours in a day. It’s how you choose to use them that is important. We’re not all early risers. We can’t all work efficiently on a few hours sleep. We’re not all weekend warriors either. That’s okay – you don’t have to be ‘on’ all the time. You just need to use the time you do have the right way. If you’re not someone that’s used to being busy – add some more to your schedule. Your increased productivity might surprise you.

Don’t burn your bridges

Unfortunately, we live in a world where our efforts are often taken for granted. We sometimes don’t have the right leaders to support us, or the colleagues to cohesively work with. One thing is imperative however, and that is to rise above the smaller issues. People grow and relationships change. Those that were difficult to work with once, might have the opportunity of a lifetime for you later on. Where you can, give people room to be better, and if you can, walk away with your head held high.

Exercise some self care

You can’t pour from an empty cup. In order to maximise your own output, you need to take some time to recharge. That might be a 10-minute meditation, a quick run, an hour to lounge in the sun with a book, or a nice long bubble bath. Whatever your selfcare looks like, it’s not just leisure – it’s necessary.

Consume knowledge

Knowledge is power. They say that the most successful people are big readers – but sometimes it’s just really hard to find the time. So, we’re not here to say read, and when you’re done, read some more. We’re here to inspire you to find a way to consume more. Podcasts, audiobooks or radio. Television, Netflix documentaries or YouTube. News websites, pop culture magazines or Twitter feeds. It does not matter how you learn more, it’s only important that you give yourself the room to be challenged.

Actively listen and consciously respond

It’s easy to be a great speaker, but how well do you listen? Successful people aren’t only great doers – they know how to meet the needs of their audience. They ask relevant questions and pay attention to what is happening around them. You can’t thrive without learning and responding to what is happening around you.

So, how will you find your power this week?