
How To Put Your Business At The Forefront of 2021 Trends Before They Start Trending

How To Put Your Business At The Forefront of 2021 Trends Before They Start Trending

Don’t underestimate influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is predicted to be worth US$5-10 billion in 2020 – up from just US$570 million in 2017. Given that there are 1 billion people actively using Instagram, it’s a smart investment to advertise via influencers. When looking at engaging influencers in your business, ensure that their aesthetic or brand matches yours. Making sure your product looks like an authentic recommendation from an influencer will encourage consumers, who are already looking to emulate the influencer’s aesthetic,

Show consumers you care about being ethical
72% of Australians said that they were concerned about the impact climate change would have on their lives. As we move into a time of increased environmental awareness, ensuring that you are conducting business in a way that minimalises harm to the planet and ensures consumers can be reassured about your practices are paramount to ensuring that you can maintain success in future decades. Consider biodegradeable packaging and using recycled materials (in both the office and your product) as the easiest starting points.

Personalisation is key
With the amounts of data now available to be collected by businesses, and consumer awareness about where their data is going, an important part of the customer experience is set to become personalisation. Business relationships are at their best when both the business, as well as the customer, are showing their interest. Data can be utilised to understand customers and provide them with products and sales opportunities, which in turn can strengthen consumer relationships with your business as they feel acknowledged.