Trump Bans Transgender People from US Military

And it seems most people are furious.

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The internet went into a rage on Wednesday after Donald Trump tweeted that the US government would no longer accept transgender people into the military.

He stated that the government should not be burdened with the ‘medical costs and disruption’ of having trans-people in the army. Experts have challenged his view, stating that military acceptance should be determined by a person’s capabilities instead of gender or sexual preference.

President Trump did not specify when the ban would go into effect. US military officers and generals say that senior officials have not been consulted about this decision. According to the Age, one anonymous, active-duty military officer said that Mr Trump had not been in step with the military: “Our service personnel today don’t give a damn about the personal lives of their comrades so long as they know they can trust them when it counts.”

US Marine General Joseph Dunford told Reuters that “There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secre-tary has issued implementation guidance,” assuring the public that the US military will “treat all of our personnel with respect”.

The declaration has sparked up protests and rallies all over America, especially because Trump promised to fight for LGTBIQ people’s rights during his candidacy. Now, active-duty and reserve transgender service members are left in limbo and uncertainty. However, the decision has received praise by some Republicans and conservative activists.

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Nilo is a recently graduated writer and journalist based in Melbourne. With an over-the-average interest in fashion, female empowerment and everything in-between she is constantly trying to find ways to express this passion through her writing. She likes to keep on top of all the latest internet trends and hopes to one day to become an editor for one of her many favourite magazines.