#CureBoredomIn5Words is Trending and It Works

Coming off a three-day weekend in Australia and hitting that back-to-work stride everywhere else in the world isn’t easy. #CureBoredomIn5Words makes it a little easier.

#CureBoredomIn5Words, crowdink.com, crowdink.com.au, crowdink, crowd ink, boredom
#CureBoredomIn5Words (Image Source: Oltreumo)

Why has it taken this long for #CureBoredomIn5Words to trend? The perfect hashtag to sneakily check out on your mobile while answering emails, here are a few examples of why you need to get involved:

Professor Snape’s Thoughts (sassy as always):

A Little Dark Humour For You:

This Philosophical Twist:

Dare You To Take This Advice at The Office:

If You’re Superman or Have a Parachute Lying Around:

And Finally, Don’t Just Be a Troll. Be The Best Troll You Can Be:

You’ve got 5 words. What is your cure for boredom?

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Sam Ferrante is a poet, editor, facilitator, and writer born on Long Island, college-fed in Western New York and Paris, and then poetically raised in Buffalo, NY; Ireland; and Australia. A former member of the Pure Ink Poetry team in Buffalo and a regular competitor in Dublin's Slam Sunday, Sam was a Co-Creative Producer at Melbourne-based Slamalamadingdong in addition to serving on the Melbourne Spoken Word Committee. Sam has been published in Ghost City Press, Blowing Raspberries, and The Dirty Thirty Anthology and has been featured at The Owl & Cat Session, La Mama Poetica, Girls on Key, and White Night 2016 among others. Her debut book of poetry, Pick Me Up, got rave reviews from her Mom. She is currently the Editor of CrowdInk.